segunda-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2009


click on headers to sort table data by VAFS
pilot id name rank country

BRB-1001Danilo C

BRB-1015Otavio D

BRB-1027Otacilio D

BRB-1008Haroldo Q

BRB-1007José R

BRB-1003Leandro M

BRB-1018Rafael A

BRB-1020Decão S

BRB-1023Francis D

BRB-1028Luiz F

BRB-1016 Wellington P

BRB-1010Augusto S

BRB-1014Murilo G

BRB-1004Victor B

BRB-1002Felipe B

BRB-1021Emanuel P

BRB-1025Otaviano D

BRB-1006Vitor G

BRB-1024Levi R

BRB-1022João P

BRB-1005Vitor S

BRB-1026Thiago C

BRB-1019Rafael B

BRB-1009Rafael A

BRB-1012Jairo c

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rank name min. hours max. hours salary per hour rank type
Co-Piloto0.050.050.00Pilot Rank
Primeiro Oficial50.0150.0100.00Pilot Rank
Comandante Internacional150.0300.0150.00Pilot Rank
Comandante Intercontinental300.01500.0250.00Pilot Rank
Comandante Master 1500.00.0300.00Pilot Rank

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